When you are a disciple of Christ,you are rooted in Him,his teachings and who he is .You do this by spending time with Him.You stare this journey by reading the story of this life and purpose here on earth in the Gospels(Matthew,Mark,Luke and John)in the New Testament portion of yur Bible.The true disciple doesn't just read his Bible as a daily to do list item,but rather he reads his Bible in an attempt to know the mind and heart of God.
Being connected to a community of Bible believing Christians is essential in the anatomy of a disciple.Jesus plan for us to receive instruction,fellowship,accountability,and mobilization for evangelism is the local church.A disciple must be more than simply connected to a church,but rooted in a church.
Look at Acts 2 when the church is born-as early Christians were baptized in the Holy Spirit;They devoted them-selves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship,to the breaking of bread and to prayer,Acts 2:42.
As the disciple continues to be rooted in Christ and his church,he understands his salvation to a greater degree.The natural overflow of this is to spread the good news of Jesus to the world.My youth pastor used to say,you're not truly Jesus disciple until you are making disciples.